Sunday, February 23, 2020

Finished more pastels from Model Group...Figurative Artists Atelier on FB

Spent more time finishing these pastels from model group. Not sure where this is heading but glad to work more on each.  Two to three hours really isn't enough time to do a complete portrait....these are 11 X 14 but I would love to work larger.  I understand why so many work mostly from photos but there is nothing like that opportunity to have a live model!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


 I have been obsessed with pastels of late...actually they  are so much cleaner than oils and easier to transport.  I use a very limited palette so all my works look very similar...

I rarely finish with our 3 hour model but, when I am motivated, I try to finish a piece at home.

Here are three recent efforts.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

December 2019

Wanted to add the last few items before the year ended and I forget how to do these free blogs.  I may let go of my other website as it seems I do not use it much.

Had a great 2 months...a wonderful trip to Japan both by train and by boat then enjoyed seeing my baby and her new, soon to be hubby and In-Laws.  Missed my son but all is good and hope to see him at the wedding in March. Haven't painted much but that is okay for now....

Friday, October 4, 2019

Catching Up from last post in June

Jesse & Myles
Can't believe how long since the last post...we did take another trip, to Germany then crossed the Atlantic for 24 days with many great stops along the way....but no painting to speak of. Traveling has become our obsession for now.  All of these were painted in pastel once we returned and all but one at our model group that meets most Fridays.
We are soon heading off for another trip to Japan!  One of our favorite locales and will see both babies while traveling...for me the best part....



Thursday, June 13, 2019

Time Travels

I spent a little time going back to the first post on this blog and was surprised to see it was almost 8 years ago this month.  I have had other blogs showcasing my artwork and activities that I began in 2002 with my first MAC computer.  I can still find photos of many old paintings but the web sites or blogs are long gone.  Makes me wonder where this blog will be one day....I love traveling through time both past and future...I am glad we have electronic media, 0s and 1s to anchor us...

Since the last post, I spent a month in France and Italy with Hubby, mostly eating good food, seeing some beauty,  and resting and watching him recuperate and get strong again.  I painted only once or twice while traveling and have met with my painting groups only twice since our return.  I'll post what I've done lately but do not like them but maybe it will be a reminder and incentive to do more.  I always enjoy painting when I "bring myself to the page" but am finding it harder at times to get started.  Okay enough for ...a verbal rather than a pictorial trip for myself.....

Friday, April 12, 2019

Pencil, Watercolor, Oils, and Pastels

 Looks like I have been working hard since the last post!  We have a wonderful model group that meets weekly and I have tried to attend each session in the last month or two.

I rarely finish during our 3 hour session but I often am able to complete these paintings at home.




Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Back to model group!!

 After two and a half months in Jacksonville, it was hard and challenging to return to our model group.  The great models and good friends helped.....

When I paint, my entire attention is focused.  It is a wonderful experience of "Flow" and I can lose myself in time.

Mike was this wonderful model....

Mary sat near a mirrored wall for changing perspectives.
Mandy was a fantastic beautiful...I just loved painting her!