Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Beach Paintings


Beach paintings are so relaxing.  I have so many photos as references taken in the 6 years we have lived here.  The beach is ever changing, always inspiring and a worthy challenge!

Saturday, July 25, 2020

More Sister Drawings

Drew more conte drawings and one pastel of three other sisters.  It was especially poignant in that one sister died unexpectedly during these weeks of social distancing.  

I am ready to move on to other things.....

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Model Group still SD so drawing from photos...

 Just using charcoal or conte drawing from photo refs...good for skill maintenance....?

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Drawing my Mother

Drew this conte drawing on 11 X 14 with just 4 colors.  Mama will be 96 this August and I look forward to seeing her again when the Assisted Living place sets her free...:-(

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Painting My Big Children

 During these times of "sheltering in place" hubby suggesting I paint the children. I came up with this fantasy of my two and their spouses at a meal together.  I hope it will happen one day.  I prefer working from life but lots of ref photos in the studio can work. These are 2 16 x 20 oil on canvas...

Looks like I need a new project as Corona continues......

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Finished more pastels from Model Group...Figurative Artists Atelier on FB

Spent more time finishing these pastels from model group. Not sure where this is heading but glad to work more on each.  Two to three hours really isn't enough time to do a complete portrait....these are 11 X 14 but I would love to work larger.  I understand why so many work mostly from photos but there is nothing like that opportunity to have a live model!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


 I have been obsessed with pastels of late...actually they  are so much cleaner than oils and easier to transport.  I use a very limited palette so all my works look very similar...

I rarely finish with our 3 hour model but, when I am motivated, I try to finish a piece at home.

Here are three recent efforts.